Art direction and publishing


Made with
Tropic Studio

Leah Horstmann (Project Lead), Renee Cluff (Editor), Annabel Bowels (Journalist), Catherine Clark (Design Lead), Melissa Madigan (Designer)


Tropic magazine was Far North Queensand’s premium print offering, built from the ground up by the Tropic Studio team. The magazine was later backed up by online platform Tropic Now, featuring local news, innovation, and culture.

Role: Developed the creative concept and cover artwork for issue 36, which was inspired by the cover story about a local school and their aim to foster curiousity amongst its pupils.  Also assisted the design- and editorial teams with coordinating layouts and print management for issue 34-38. The bi-monthly publication also involved the design of digital banners.

↑ Editorial layouts from issue 35 and 36

↓ Editorial layouts by Catherine Clark, myself and Melissa Madigan