Brand identity

Strategic & Creative Lead

Team: Leah Horstmann (Project Lead)


Challenge: With consumers increasingly seeking Australian-grown and sustainable produce, Sunshine Mangoes needed a fresh brand identity to stand out in a competitive market and connect with their customers.

Insight: Mango season signals the start of summer — the season of sun-kissed, blushing cheeks.

Idea: Celebrate the sunny side of life.

Execution: A vibrant magenta tray was designed to grab shoppers’ attention, amplifying the mangoes’ perfect pink blush and evoking the warm, joyful essence of summer.

Role: Led the packaging project from initial scoping, concepting, client communication to setting up finished artwork, liaising with printers and delivering print-ready artwork.

During the discovery phase, I explored mango trays and trends from the past that have influenced the industry as we know it today.

Image credit: Cartonographer